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Healthcare Worker with Patient

欢迎来到 Essence Home Care,我们优先考虑您的健康和独立。我们提供全面的家庭护理服务,旨在为老年人和残疾人提供支持,使他们能够在自己的家中舒适安全地生活。在 Essence Home Care,我们了解每个人都有独特的需求,因此我们根据您的具体要求提供个性化的护理计划。

Post Hospital Care

Recover quick and safely

Numerous health risks need careful management during recovery, as they can either prolong the healing process or worsen the patient's condition.

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We will co-ordinate discharge with the hospital and develop a care plan based on hospital's recommendation to ensure quick recovery. We will also assure safe transportation from hospital and for any future regular medical appointments required for your recovery.

Hospital Discharge and 

After discharge, we’ll handle household tasks like keeping your home clean, making your bed, changing sheets, and doing laundry. We'll also take care of meal planning, shopping, cooking, and cleanup to ensure you enjoy healthy, delicious meals during your recovery.

Housekeeping and Cooking

We'll ensure your medication schedule is organized, with the correct dosages taken as prescribed. We'll also coordinate your medical appointments, arrange transportation, and provide assistance getting to and from your appointments on time.

Medication Supervision and  Progress Notes

We’ll oversee your prescribed exercises and physical therapy, closely monitoring for any warning signs. If we notice your progress slowing or regressing, we’ll act quickly to prevent complications and avoid a hospital readmission.

Rehabilitation and Monitoring


Receiving these services is easier than you think!

Step 1

Speak to one of our Home Care Advisors

Step 2

We will determine the best care choices in conjunction with you

Step 3

We send our Care Manager to assess you in person and sign the documents

Step 4

You can start receiving services the same day!


Man on Wheelchair

在 Essence Home Care,我们坚信让您能够为您的护理做出最佳决定。我们的个性化家庭护理服务(包括陪护、个人护理和家政协助)旨在满足您的独特需求和偏好。我们优先考虑您的舒适、尊严和独立,让您可以灵活地选择最适合您的支持级别。

我们的协作方法确保我们与您和您的亲人密切合作,制定一个可以提高您生活质量的护理计划。Essence Home Care 致力于提供高品质和关爱的服务,根据您的具体要求提供最高标准的护理。

您的护理由您选择,我们将全程为您提供支持。通过 Essence Home Care,您可以自由选择适合您的护理。

  • 什么是家庭护理套餐?
  • 我有资格享受家庭护理套餐吗?
    如果您年满 65 岁(原住民或托雷斯海峡岛民为 50 岁或以上),并且需要日常事务上的帮助,或者被诊断患有疾病或行动不便,您可能有资格获得家庭护理套餐。资格由老年护理评估小组 (ACAT) 评估确定。
  • 需要多长时间才能收到家庭护理包?
    完成 ACAT 评估后,您将被列入全国队列。家庭护理套餐的等待时间可能有所不同,但通常需要大约三个月。您的需求紧急程度和所需护理水平将影响您在队列中的位置。
  • 我可以选择我的护理提供者吗?
  • 如果我有家庭护理套餐,我如何获得服务?

Prevent Hospital Readmission with Post-Hospital Transition Care

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