24 Hour Care at Essence
24 hour care provides uninterrupted, round-the-clock support from professional caregivers, ensuring that individuals receive help with daily activities, medical needs, and emotional support. This approach enables them to remain in their own home while receiving care that is customized to their specific needs and conditions.

Professional caregivers offer continuous, 24/7 support, ensuring that assistance is available around the clock. This round-the-clock care is designed to provide consistent help with daily activities, medical needs, and emotional support.
Continuous Assistance
Provides a steady and dependable support system, guaranteeing that individuals receive the care they need whenever it's necessary. This continuous approach ensures that their needs are met promptly and consistently, offering peace of mind and reliable assistance at all times.
Consistency in Care
Delivers immediate attention to emergencies or urgent situations, ensuring timely and essential care. This quick action helps manage critical needs efficiently and provides reassurance that support is always available.
Prompt Response
Involves continuous tracking of health conditions, including regular checks of vital signs and any changes in medical status. This ongoing surveillance ensures that any shifts in health are promptly identified and addressed, allowing for timely interventions and adjustments to care plans.
Health Monitoring
Step 1
Speak to one of our Home Care Advisors
Step 2
We will determine the best care choices in conjunction with you
Step 3
We send our Care Manager to assess you in person and sign the documents
Step 4
You can start receiving services the same day!
我有资格享受家庭护理套餐吗?如果您年满 65 岁(原住民或托雷斯海峡岛民为 50 岁或以上),并且需要日常事务上的帮助,或者被诊断患有疾病或行动不便,您可能有资格获得家庭护理套餐。资格由老年护理评估小组 (ACAT) 评估确定。
需要多长时间才能收到家庭护理包?完成 ACAT 评估后,您将被列入全国队列。家庭护理套餐的等待时间可能有所不同,但通常需要大约三个月。您的需求紧急程度和所需护理水平将影响您在队列中的位置。